When to Register For VAT | A Business Owner’s Guide

Knowing the ins and outs of Value Added Tax (VAT) rules is crucial for businesses and finances. For new and established companies, knowing when to register for VAT is crucial for businesses managing their finances.

You’re in the right spot for answers on when to register for VAT, the requirements, and the starting the process. Additionally, you can also calculate VAT using our VAT calculator.

This comprehensive blog will guide you through the entire VAT registration process in Ireland, ensuring you have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your business.

When Does a Company Need to be VAT Registered?

Deciding when to register for VAT involves considering projected sales and eligibility criteria. The main reasons that necessitate company registration are

Exceeding the VAT registration threshold

A business must reach a minimum taxable turnover threshold in most countries to be required to register for VAT.

For instance, the current VAT registration threshold in the United Kingdom is £85,000. This implies that a company has to register for VAT if its taxable turnover surpasses £85,000 for any consecutive 12-month period.

Expecting to exceed the VAT registration threshold

In certain circumstances, a business may still need to reach the VAT registration threshold, but it may anticipate doing so in the upcoming thirty days.

If so, the company has to register for VAT as well. This is because, even if the threshold is not exceeded, the company will be responsible for paying VAT on any taxable sales starting on the registration date.

Taking Over a VAT-Registered Business

To ascertain whether the VAT registration threshold is exceeded, the combined taxable turnover of the new and existing businesses must be considered.

Supplies to Other EU Countries

If a company supplies other EU nations, it has to register for VAT even if its turnover is below the threshold for domestic VAT registration.

VAT Group Membership

A group of businesses united for VAT purposes is known as a VAT group. Even if a company’s turnover is below the registration threshold, it is still required to register for VAT if it is a part of a VAT group.

VAT Registration Requirements

The decision on when to register for VAT impacts a business’s financial management and compliance. Therefore, to successfully register for VAT, you must have essential business details, including your company’s name, physical address, and contact information.

Furthermore, you must supply your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number. This UTR number is a unique identifier issued by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the UK’s tax authority.

It plays an important role in ensuring that your VAT registration process aligns with the tax regulations and standards set by the HMRC. Obtaining your UTR number from HMRC is a vital step in initiating and completing the VAT registration procedure for your business.

VAT Registration Process

To register for VAT in Ireland, you must follow these steps:

1. Check your eligibility

Not every company or business needs to register for VAT. You can use the VAT registration eligibility checker on the Revenue website to check your eligibility.

2. Apply for registration

You can apply for VAT registration online or submit a paper application to Revenue.

3. Submit your documentation

When you apply for VAT registration, you must submit the following documentation:

  • A copy of your business registration certificate
  • A declaration that you meet all of the requirements for VAT registration

4. Pay the registration fee

There is a fee of €30 for VAT registration in Ireland. This fee is mandatory in the VAT registration process.

5. Getting your VAT registration certificate

Once you have submitted the required documentation and paid the registration fee, you will be issued a VAT registration certificate.

So When Do You Start Paying VAT?

When you receive your VAT registration certificate, you must begin paying VAT on the first day of the month.

On August 15th, for instance, if you receive your VAT registration certificate, you will begin paying VAT on September 1st.

You must collect VAT from your clients for every taxable supply you make. Following that, you must submit monthly VAT returns to Revenue and pay the VAT you have gathered from your clients.

Read More: Self-Assessment Tax Return: A Guide on How to Complete it

VAT Registration Threshold Ireland

Here are key points to remember for those seeking information on the VAT threshold in Ireland.

  • If your business makes over €85,000 in sales annually, you must register for VAT.
  • If your business makes less than €85,000, you don’t have to register, but you can if you want to.
  • If you’re a new business and expect to make over €85,000 in your first year, you must register for VAT before selling.
  • If you’re a new business and don’t expect to make more than €85,000 in your first year, you can still register for VAT whenever you like.
How Does A VAT Calculator Function A VAT calculator functions by multiplying the price of a good or service by the VAT rate to calculate the amount of VAT due. For example, if the price of a good is €100 and the VAT rate is 23%, the VAT calculator would multiply the price by 23% to calculate the amount of VAT that is due, which would be €23.

Register for VAT Online: Easier Than You Think

To sign up for VAT online in Ireland, first, make an account on the Revenue website. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Revenue website and create your account.
  2. Click on the “VAT” section after making your account.
  3. Find and click on “Register for VAT.”
  4. Fill out the VAT registration form.
  5. Send in your application form.

VAT Registration Form

The VAT registration form in Ireland is called the TR1 form. You can download the TR1 form from the Revenue website.

Here are the sections of the TR1 form:

  • Section 1: Business details
  • Section 2: Taxable supplies
  • Section 3: Entitlement to VAT registration
  • Section 4: Declaration

VAT Registration Check

 To see if you’re signed up for VAT in Ireland, you can do it in two easy ways:

Get in touch with Revenue

You can contact them on their digital links; they’ll let you know if you’re registered. They can even give you a copy of your VAT registration certificate.

Use the VAT VIES checker online

It’s a tool that lets you check if a business in the European Union is registered for VAT. Just type in your business name and VAT registration number to find out.

You can visit the VAT VIES website and select the “Check VAT number” tab—this process is straightforward and self-explanatory.

Advantages of VAT Registration in Ireland

  • Get back the VAT you paid on business expenses, lowering your overall costs.
  • You can add VAT to your taxable supplies, boosting your revenue.
  • Being VAT-registered can make your business look more established and professional to customers and suppliers.
  • Some government schemes, like the Research and Development Tax Credit, exclude VAT-registered businesses.

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VAT registration can be complex, but it’s essential for many businesses. This blog explains the when, why, and how of VAT registration in Ireland. Understanding VAT regulations is crucial for business growth. Being informed is critical whether you’re approaching the VAT registration threshold or planning for the future.


What are the new rules for VAT?

The new VAT rules may vary, so it’s best to check the latest updates from the tax authority.

How do I know if I registered for VAT?

You can confirm if you’re registered for VAT by contacting the tax authority or using online tools like the VAT VIES checker.

What is the difference between VAT-registered and non-VAT registered?

The main difference is that VAT-registered businesses collect and pay VAT on their sales, while non-VAT-registered ones don’t participate in this tax system.

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