6 ways to generate engagement on Facebook Likes UK

If you manage a Facebook page for your business or personally, you may have noticed a significant drop in the reach of your posts over time. We reassure you that you are not hallucinating. Three years ago, the Facebook algorithm was indeed modified following Mark Zuckerberg’s wish to highlight the content of Facebook friends rather than that of business pages:

1. Like the Facebook algorithm, favour video

Facebook has publicly indicated that it offers better visibility to video content. The reason is simple: video is the form of content that generates the most engagement on social media.

The importance of video

The new Facebook algorithm favours the promotion of video content more than a textual status, an image, or a carousel of images. Additionally, with the autoplay feature, video captures the user’s attention like no other form of content Followerspro.

Investing in and promoting video content can be expensive. But don’t panic; there’s no need to become a filmmaker and publish feature films. Even simple and short range can be translated into video, as shown in the example of this Facebook post from Sharpie:

By maximizing reactions and promoting Facebook viewing time, Facebook Live precisely meets the objectives of the Facebook algorithm, which will put them more prominently.

If you want to know how to prepare an effective Facebook live, Hubspot’s guide may be helpful to you.

2. Post at the best time

The time of day and the day you choose to post on Facebook directly impact the reach of your posts. The Facebook algorithm is demanding enough; you want to avoid penalizing yourself further by posting at the wrong time.

On average, the best time to post on Facebook in 2023 is:

From 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

If you want to know more, our article: when to post on Facebook? I will explain in detail when to post on Facebook and how to maximize the reach of your posts in the long term.

If you would like personalized support from a social media specialist in Montreal for creating and managing content on your Facebook account, consult our prices for social media management.

3. Use your employees as ambassadors

Mark Zuckerberg’s message is clear: the Facebook algorithm now prioritizes content from friends and family. For what? It’s pretty simple: Facebook users are 16x more likely to read a Facebook friend’s post than a Facebook business page.

For businesses, there is a concept called “employee advocacy” to circumvent the drop in the organic reach of Facebook publications. This principle consists of employees relaying and sharing their company’s publications on their profile.

Considering Facebook’s average statistics, the following comparison illustrates how the Facebook publication reach of a page with 100,000 followers can be exceeded with 18 employee ambassadors.

So, who better to showcase your business on Facebook to other friends than your employee ambassadors? If you want to maximize your chances of success, we encourage you to set up an “employee advocacy” program.

4. Consider creating a Facebook group

We saw previously that with the new Facebook algorithm, the organic reach of your page’s posts extends to around  2% of your community on average.

Therefore, the stubbornness of the Facebook algorithm encourages more and more community managers to turn to Facebook groups to develop their networks.

What is the difference between a Facebook group and a page?

A Facebook group is a community created around a particular theme, such as an event or a centre of interest. Unlike a Facebook page, which aims to be as public as possible (possibly hosting a store, creating paid advertisements, being visible on search engines), a Facebook group is more discreet and exclusive. It aims to initiate discussion between members interested in the same subject.

Therefore, a Facebook group is an effective way to build an engaged and receptive community. Even if a group does not have the same public visibility as a Page, its members’ interest and reaction rate will be significantly higher than that of a Page’s subscribers.

In addition to aspects related to the Facebook algorithm, consider groups as an extension of your page ideal for discussion and customer loyalty.

5. Invest in Facebook advertising

We won’t hide it from you if the Facebook algorithm reduces the natural reach of your publications. It’s also to encourage you to invest in Facebook advertising.

But is this a “trick”?

Yes. Today, Facebook advertising has hundreds of targeting options, making it one of the most precise and effective acquisition channels on the web. However, many businesses need to fully exploit the opportunities offered by Facebook advertising.

If we consider it a relevant tip for regaining visibility, it is because when adequately configured, Facebook advertising generates an average return on investment of 93%. You can give it a first try by relying on the Facebook guide.

And if you are wary of misspending your Facebook marketing budget, Digitad’s social media advertising experts will be ready to help you!

6. Offer content that drives engagement – ​​naturally! –

Start the discussion

The Facebook algorithm will not make your audience react on its own. To do this, you must give subscribers a reason to comment, like, or share your posts. You can ask your audience questions, use surveys, or even ask them for their opinion, as we did for this client:

Use fewer links

The Facebook algorithm favours content capable of keeping the user on Facebook. If you often include external links to a site other than Facebook (like your website ), then be aware that this practice can reduce the reach of your publications. Instead, upload your video or image directly to Facebook.

Forget statuses without visuals.

If you can send your message by text or photo, then know that the Facebook algorithm offers an average of 87% more engagement than a status with an image. The best Facebook posts have visuals! A photo, an infographic, or a GIF MUST accompany your publications. https://redgif.co.uk/

Limit “Mention under this post” type sentences.

This advice does not come from any official source. Still, instead of our experience as a social media agency, Facebook seems to be getting more intelligent and wiser at spotting pages that encourage or “force” their users to mention each other to create reach. Users also tire of seeing posts whose captions always resemble “Tag your friend… lol!”.

Interesting stat, evocative situation… Instead, ask yourself how your content can encourage your users to mention each other naturally without asking them! These posts will undoubtedly be the best performing.

If you want to dive deeper into strategies for engaging content, be sure to explore our articles on RedGif for more insights and ideas.

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